Recording archives for January


Dear Patrons,

TDSW has recorded the skills and knowledge of many great instructors for the community in 2020 thanks to you. For January 2021 to come, we will add some recordings of our past workshops that used to be sold on demand (they are in Japanese). We are not going to have live-streaming workshops in order to devise our strategy for next year.

Due to that, we encourage you to downgrade to the Great plan if you are on the Excellent plan, however, we would really appreciate it if you would stay on your plan and support us as you have been doing.

Thanks again for your support. We will keep working and contributing to the community next year as well.

TDSW Patreonにてサポートいただきありがとうございます。サポーターの皆様のおかげで、TDSWは2020年数多くの素晴らしいインストラクターの技術や知見を動画としてアーカイブすることができました。


Excellent Plan, Incredible Planに加入の皆様に関しては動画見放題のGreat Planへのダウングレードをおすすめいたします。




TDSW YouTube Channel
